Kia Sleet, visual and sonar artist, created this self portrait, which I
find to be magical. For me, it communicates something almost cryptic
that seems to be an underlying theme of my generation. I've seen the
pictures where people put duct tape over their mouths and write various
messages on the tape in order to communicate truths that have stronger
vibrations when expressed in writing than when spoken aloud. This
portrait illustrates a similar concept, only with the dysmorphia of
having no mouth at all; the mouth being fused together, not unlike Neo's
mouth in the scene from the first Matrix movie when he had the "dream"
of getting the bug planted in his stomach. And despite the body being
stoic, every hair in place, arms down, and a general stance of dignity
and classic portraiture, the eyes scream
"Get me the fuck out of here"...with a pink backdrop to boot: the
conditioned and propagandized color of acceptable femininity. The mouth
can be silenced and the body conformed, but the soul will always scream
loudly. It's part of what makes Black people threatening in this
culture. Despite what we may say, wear, or do under the guise of
tranquility, our mere presence is a constant reminder of the
transgressions of this nation against us. That truth in our collective
history and consciousness will always be a threat to those whose demonic
barbarism is protected from exposure by silencing us.
Yet, I
do not think that this piece is necessarily a communication to a
majority privileged culture of oppressors. I see this as being a curse
that the parents and grandparents of our generation has placed on us. A
curse of silence and fear that is so strong that we have completely lost
our ability to part our lips. From a young Chicana girl being taught to
"stay quiet, be a lady" to a young Black boy being taught to "not talk
back to your teachers", our parents and grandparents have conditioned us
into powerlessness and conformity. We create art to communicate our
frustration and they call our music "noise" and our drawings "trash."
When we become angry, frustrated, and lash out at society in
unproductive ways, our elders call us unruly and disrespectful...but how
can we be respectfully resistant to oppression and abuse when we have
had our mouths disabled by the fear of our predecessors?
2013" is a myth that keeps the populous sedated by propaganda and
television. It is still 1620 in America and it will be 1620 until
America admits and rectifies its crimes against the Black and Brown
people of this nation and world. In the meantime, may we uplift our
communities, refrain from poisoning ourselves with nutritionless food
and debilitating drugs, refrain from abusing our women and children in
every way, and teach the people. Knowledge is the greatest weapon
against tyranny.
Thank you, Kia Sleet, for blessing us with this amazing #message.