Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Facebook Takeout: Blue explains Afterimages

Facebook Takeout

I've been seeing this picture go around the internet. A lot of people are confused about why this happens. In the comments is an explanation I posted on a friends' page.
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  • Blue Azul The cones in your eyes detect variations of red, blue, and yellow. When you focus on any of them for an extended period of time, in order for your eyes to "readjust", the opposite is processed in your brain so you start from "0" again. It happens all the time, but we're usually unaware of it because there isn't that much contrast under normal circumstances.
    21 hours ago · · 1
  • Blue Azul In the case of this picture, you are looking at the spectral "negative" of a man's face. The background is black, so the greatest contrast is to look at a white background. Since there's so much contrast from one background to the next, the "readjustment" manifests itself on the white background as the spectral "positive" of the original photograph.
    21 hours ago · · 1
  • Blue Azul It's the same subcortical logic that explains why when you spin around really fast and stop, the earth looks as though it's continuing to move in the opposite direction of the way you were spinning. Your brain is trying to stay regulated (at "0"), so it will do whatever it takes to maintain a baseline, including manipulating the physical world outside.
    21 hours ago · · 1
  • Blue Azul It's because the spectral opposite of the colors in the picture on the left is the image your brain creates on the right. Blue is the opposite of red, Black is the opposite of white, and so on. It wasn't hard to do this because the artist took a photograph of a man against a white background and processed the negative, so everything lined up just right. Due to photographical technology, you don't have to guess. You just process the negative.
    21 hours ago · · 1
  • Blue Azul If you took some old negatives of film you have and illuminated it and stared at it for a second, then looked at a contrasting background, the same thing would happen.
  • 21 hours ago · · 1
  • Blue Azul Learn more about "afterimage" here: Google some others. Have fun with your friends.
    An afterimage or ghost image or image burn-in is an optical illusion that refers...See More
    21 hours ago · ·
  • Blue Azul It begins to get deeper in the metaphysical when you start to understand that you really are always just processing "afterimages". The world that you see is only the world that you're capable of seeing, based on the way that your brain is wired. If you are the type of person who is constantly creating neuropathways (i.e., you read, create, speak multiple languages, travel, expose yourself to new information regularly), the afterimages that you perceive in the world have more dimension and so you are better able to empathize with anothers' "view of the world". However, if you have not been in the habit of creating neuropathways, then your brain looses plasticity and you are unable of perceiving multidimensional afterimages. If you continue to lose plasticity and you get old, it is almost impossible to begin creating new neuropathways. However, this is completely reversible and depending on the will of the person, the individual can increase plasticity in the brain.
    21 hours ago · · 3
  • Blue Azul This is also why there are some people who can learn new information at the rate and efficiency of a child and some children can't process all has to do with how vigilant one is about incorporating new information into their lives.
    21 hours ago ·
  • Blue Azul Literature on aging and cognition has found repeatedly that the greatest buffer against dementia, specifically Alzheimer's disease, is novelty.
    21 hours ago ·
  • Blue Azul Learning to do 1 thing really well is not a buffer against dementia. The expertise in 1 thing does not necessarily transfer to other things in life. For example, you can be a master violinist who only plays violin and still not know your sister's name.
    21 hours ago ·
  • Blue Azul However, there is a theory called "interleading" that explains how focusing on multiple aspects of a thing increases the proficiency in all areas of that thing far greater than focusing on just 1 aspect will increase the proficiency of that 1 aspect.
    21 hours ago ·
  • Blue Azul For example, if you're learning to play basketball and you train only in freethrow shooting, you will become pretty good at shooting freethrows, but not necessarily in layups, defense, offense, or court strategy.
    21 hours ago ·
  • Blue Azul However, if you practice a little bit in freethrows, layups, defense, offense, and court strategy, you not only become a better basketball player overall, but you become better at shooting freethrows than if you had just focused on freethrows.
    21 hours ago ·

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